Swap area is actually intended to help RAM. Primarily, when
experiencing overload. Swap area will help the process is handled by the
RAM, as RAM is working 100% swap area will work as additional RAM,
though performance is not as good as RAM, but it is helpful if we are a
small RAM capacity.
In ubuntu linux operating system, there is a parameter called swappiness which serves to control the kernel during the process of moving data from RAM to the swap area. Swappiness parameter is 0 to 100, where if the value of swappiness = 0 then the kernel is required to hold as long as possible the transfer of data from RAM into swap, whereas if the value of swappiness = 100 then the kernel should work as soon as possible to move data from RAM to the swap.
The default value of the parameter swappiness in Ubuntu operating system is 60, while highly recommended for ubuntu desktop is 10. Here are the steps to change the swappiness parameter that performance of Ubuntu more optimal.
1. Check the swappiness value through the terminal with the command

2. how to change the swappiness value is temporary, but it will result in the value of swappiness back to their original values when the system is restarted

3. To changes to be permanent please edit the file / etc / sysctl.conf with the command:
then find the line vm.swappiness if no add yourself the following line at the bottom of the file

If you have done, save the file and restarting your operating system.
In ubuntu linux operating system, there is a parameter called swappiness which serves to control the kernel during the process of moving data from RAM to the swap area. Swappiness parameter is 0 to 100, where if the value of swappiness = 0 then the kernel is required to hold as long as possible the transfer of data from RAM into swap, whereas if the value of swappiness = 100 then the kernel should work as soon as possible to move data from RAM to the swap.
The default value of the parameter swappiness in Ubuntu operating system is 60, while highly recommended for ubuntu desktop is 10. Here are the steps to change the swappiness parameter that performance of Ubuntu more optimal.
1. Check the swappiness value through the terminal with the command
cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
2. how to change the swappiness value is temporary, but it will result in the value of swappiness back to their original values when the system is restarted
sudo sysctl vm.swappiness=10
3. To changes to be permanent please edit the file / etc / sysctl.conf with the command:
gksudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf
then find the line vm.swappiness if no add yourself the following line at the bottom of the file
If you have done, save the file and restarting your operating system.
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